SNSWLHD farewells councillor Joan Catlin, welcomes new councillor Kylie Fish

Much-loved HSU councillor Joan Catlin has retired from her role as a Hospital Assistant at Queanbeyan Hospital with over 14 years of service to our community.

Joan was a proud HSU councillor for over 10 years, with 3 years as an Audit and Finance committee member overseeing union governance processes. She was always valued for her level-headed and wise words for members in representing them and fighting for their workplace rights to HSU members. Joan will not be forgotten and has committed to attending ongoing meetings as an observer to assist and support new delegates.

We would like to wish Joan all the very best. 

Welcome new HSU councillor Kylie Fish!

Kylie has union values in her blood with deep family roots through generations of unionism. She has worked at Batemans Bay Hospital for 7 years as an Administration Officer in different areas, placing her in good stead to understand and represent members across Southern NSW LHD.

If you would like to reach Kylie about a workplace matter, she can be contacted via email [E-Mail not displayed].

Do you know someone who isn’t an HSU member? Encourage them to join our Union today and have a say at work. We are always stronger when we stand together.

New members can join at or call 1300 478 679.