SLHD Allied Health: Tuesday briefing, Thursday strike

SLHD Allied Health briefing TOMORROW @ 12:30pm, REGISTER HERE

25,000 HSU members across NSW Health and Ambulance have been fighting hard in recent weeks for a fair pay increase, Award reform, 100% salary packaging, and a Royal Commission into health funding.  

The current health system is in crisis, with 12,000 vacancies across the state. If we don’t do something now, more and more talented Allied Health staff will leave the public sector. With Awards decades out of date, we cannot wait any longer.

Over the last two weeks Allied Health staff have joined thousands of other HSU members in taking strike action at Westmead, RNSH, POW, Tamworth, and Lismore.  

This week RPA, Concord, Sydney Dental and Canterbury will be joining with a mass stop work meeting at RPA to send a message that we will hold the government to account on promises made to health workers.  

The strike action is being held at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital from 12pm-2pm on Thursday 22 June. 

On Tuesday 20 June, the Allied Health Division is holding a briefing for Allied Health members across SLHD about Thursday’s strike and will provide details of logistics. You will also hear from Allied Health members who’ve attended recent stop works at other Hospitals about their experience. 

Registration is required for the briefing and can be done here

Do you know someone who isn’t an HSU member? Encourage them to join our Union today and have a say at work. We are always stronger when we stand together.

New members can join at or call 1300 478 679.