SESLHD: Proposed restructure, Aged Care and Assessment Program

South Eastern Sydney Local Health District has advised the HSU of a proposed restructure of the Aged Care Assessment Program (ACAP).

The current ACAP structure has 55 full time equivalent (FTE), of which 41.63 FTE are temporary. The District claims that permanent staff will be matched to a suitable position in the new structure and retain their permanent status. Under the new structure, the remaining vacant positions would then be filled by an Expression of Interest process among existing ACAP staff from SESLHD, CHCK and WMH.

Under the proposed restructure, ACAP and RAS will transition from programs managed and delivered by POWH, TSH, PaCH, CHCK and WMH to a single SESLHD program managed by PaCH. The Unified ACAP would be one service, comprising of two teams, located in the north and south of SESLHD.

You can view the correspondence at the below links:

What do you think?

It is important for union members to lead this discussion. How will this affect you?

Please send your feedback to [E-Mail not displayed] by Tuesday 22 October with the subject SESLHD Unified Aged Care Assessment Program.

Your union at work

Everyone affected by these changes needs to be a union member. Members deserve to have control over their working lives. Tell your colleagues now is the time to join.

New members can join at or call 1300 478 679.