Ryde Hospital: ACAT relocation proposal

  • Published April 12, 2023

NSLHD is proposing the relocation of the Ryde Aged Care Assessment team from Ryde Hospital to The Lodge, Macquarie Hospital.

As part of the Ryde Hospital redevelopment, it has been determined that the Ryde ACAT team is unable to be accommodated at the site. It is proposed that the ACAT team will be moved to Level 1 of the Lodge at Macquarie Hospital.

You can view the correspondence at the below link:

What do you think?

It’s important for union members to lead this discussion. How will this affect you? Please send your feedback on this proposal to [E-Mail not displayed] by Monday 24 April 2023 using subject line NSLHD ACAT Ryde Relocation.

If no members raise concerns, the Union may take no action in response to the proposal.

Your union at work

Everyone affected by these changes needs to be a union member. Members deserve to have control over their working lives. Tell your colleagues now is the time to join.

New members can join at www.hsu.asn.au/join or call 1300 478 679.