Royal Prince Alfred Recognition BBQ

  • Published February 8, 2023

You’re invited to a BBQ to recognise all your hard work at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital. Come along, have a sausage, and meet your fellow members.

You’ll have an opportunity to catch up on the latest campaigns, including the HSU’s call for a Royal Commission into where the NSW health dollar is being spent. There will also be officials and branch members present if you have any questions or issues to raise.

The details for the BBQ are:

        Date: Tuesday 14th February 2023
        Location: Lawn outside KVB
        Time: 11:30am – 3:30pm

The BBQ will be going for a few hours to ensure as many people as possible can make it. Do come along when you’re free and enjoy a relaxed lunch with your workmates and fellow HSU members.

If you have any queries, contact your Organiser Andrei Bilic on [E-Mail not displayed] or 0417 134 715.

Do you know someone who isn’t an HSU member? They need to join today and us help fight for a better workplace!

New members can join at or call 1300 478 679.