Paramedics to defer additional responsibilities until professional recognition formalised

  • Published January 17, 2023
  • Industries

In our recent member survey, 92% of responding members agreed that Paramedics should defer taking on any new skills or responsibilities until we receive a formal response to our Professional Recognition proposal from Premier Perrottet.

This position has now been endorsed by the statewide delegates group as such:

All ADHSU members are endorsed to respectfully defer participation in any new learning put forward by NSWA at MCPD or P1T Inservice until the Premier formally responds to our Paramedic Professional Recognition Proposal.

Members will attend MCPD or Inservice as scheduled and participate in all current credentialling activities.

During any training of new learning, members will participate in self-directed learning, current skills consolidation practice or online research/learning.

The new skills and responsibilities that will be deferred are:

  • Decompression of Tension Pneumothorax
  • Corpuls - members will continue to use the current LifePak 15 to ensure patient safety
  • PEEP
  • CPAP
  • Preceptorship
  • Capnography
  • End tidal CO2
  • Any Janison modules associated with the above learning. 

An SMS with an appropriate response to requests to engage in the new learning will be sent to members for reference.

Over the past decade, paramedics have continually accepted more responsibility, accountability and skills. They are currently tertiary-educated AHPRA registered health practitioners. However, they have remained unrewarded and unrecognised by successive governments. The Priority 1 campaign will continue until paramedics are recognised as the health professionals they are.