NSLHD Allied Health & Admin Update

Industrial action taken by HSU Allied Health and Administration members has effectively brought NSLHD to the table over the ongoing staffing crisis.   

NSLHD placed HSU member industrial actions into “dispute” with the Industrial Relations Commission (IRC). Today, conciliation discussions between the HSU and NSLHD occurred at the IRC.  

The outcome of the discussions is that industrial action will continue. However, HSU members have secured prospective improvements to key components of the staffing issues in NLSHD in exchange for a temporary pause in some, but not all bans.  

This proposal is a major step forward and demonstrates HSU members' collective capacity to create change within the District. Widespread and consistent member engagement with authorised industrial action made this possible. 

All HSU Allied Health and Administration members are requested to attend a meeting tomorrow, 23 October, at 12:30pm to hear the full proposal, discuss and vote on it. You must register using this link.

Regardless of the outcome of the HSU vote, one thing is for sure: the fight is not over. The proposal does not address all of HSU members’ concerns and only a small group of bans are proposed to be temporarily paused.   

It remains clear that more work and campaigning needs to be done to ensure improved staffing and job security across the District. Regardless, this is a step in the right direction, and HSU Allied Health and Admin members should take ownership for it.  

The final details of the proposal are being prepared and will be provided to members during the meeting tomorrow. Until that meeting there are no changes to the industrial action in any way and you should continue the industrial actions tomorrow as usual. 

Remember, you must register using this link