Negotiations with the Ministry of Health go nowhere

Yesterday, two groups of ADHSU members met with the Ministry of Health at St. Leonards to discuss their logs of claims: HealthShare PTOs and NSWA Control Centre Officers. Both groups of committee members were ready and willing to hear back from the Ministry and their employers on the status of their log of claims. Unfortunately, in back-to-back meetings, both the Ministry and employers provided almost no concrete response to any of the claims outside of vague statements about wanting to keep things “outside” of the Award. The best they could manage is a commitment to providing more notice of rosters to Control staff.

There is a clear reason that members want strong provisions in their Award and not buried in a policy or protocol. Awards are documents that govern your working life and that ADHSU members have a hand in shaping. After years of both NSW Ambulance and HealthShare haphazardly applying and misapplying policies, protocols and local guidelines, members will take a strong Award provision instead, thank you very much. A well written and strong Award can have a massively positive effect on workers’ power in the workplace, and now is the time that members can truly make a difference.

In response to these frustrating discussions, members are invited to meet tomorrow on zoom to discuss an appropriate reaction. Membership cannot accept non-answers when the awards are so close to expiring. Attend the meeting with your fellow members to make your voice heard!

HealthShare PTOs

All ADHSU PTOs, on and off-duty, should attend a stop work zoom meeting TOMORROW, Thursday 23 May @ 1100. Note that HealthShare will likely dock pay for those attending.

NSWA Control

All off-duty ADHSU members in NSWA Control should attend a member zoom TOMORROW, Thursday 23 May @ 1200.

Zoom links to come in the morning via text.