Medical Radiation Scientists State-wide Zoom meeting Wednesday 29 March 2023

  • Published March 24, 2023

Since the MRS Award was last negotiated, the regulatory environment for MRS members has moved ahead. SPPs are completed at university, however, the Award is so unclear as to what level a new graduate should be employed at, that many members will have to re-do their SPP when they commence employment.

This has resulted in inconsistent classification of graduates, obsolete positions, and potential underpayments. Most of all, members are losing a year of their progression. When compounded over a career, the cost of this is significant.

What level you are employed at should not have to depend on the luck of which hospital you are employed and the rules that hospital applies. The Award should create clarity, equity, and consistency. Instead, we have LHDs unsure what the correct rule is and the Ministry missing in action.

This is causing a crisis: MRS graduates who are undervalued and misclassified according to their qualifications and skills are leaving the NSW public sector for private sector or interstate jobs. Meaning that NSW Public Hospitals are understaffed and unable to service the community.

The HSU is calling all MRS members and non-members to an important State-wide Zoom meeting on Wednesday 29th March 2023 to discuss this issue and get your feedback.

Meeting Sessions:

12 PM: register here
6 PM: register here 

This meeting is for HSU members and non-members. The meeting will be an opportunity for non-members to see the work that the HSU is doing to fix the MRS crisis.

Do you know someone who isn’t an HSU member? Encourage them to join our Union today and have a say at work. We are always stronger when we stand together.

New members can join at or call 1300 478 679.