Major Workplace Change at St Agnes Care and Lifestyle

St Agnes Care and Lifestyle have recently advised HSU members that management are undertaking a review of rosters for staff working at St Agnes and Emmaus.

Management have advised that the review may result in “changes to the mix of hours you currently work”. A copy of the memo is attached at this link.

This review may affect your shift times and your shift patterns, which could include changes to start and finish times.

HSU organiser Karen Wiles will be onsite at Emmaus this Thursday 23 March to discuss the roster review with union members. HSU members are encouraged to contact Karen at [E-Mail not displayed] if you have any concerns you’d like to raise.

It’s important that you know your rights during this consultation period. St Agnes Care and Lifestyle must consult with all affected staff members, which means management must:

  1. Provide you, in writing, all relevant information about any proposed change.
  2. Invite you to give your views about the proposed change.
  3. Consider any views that you raise about the impact of the change.

During this review, all HSU members have the right to be represented by your union. All union members are encouraged not sign or agree to any changes, that you are not comfortable with.

We need to stand together to make sure that union members are not disadvantaged by this review.

If your colleagues are not yet HSU members, encourage them to join so that they can be represented. New members can join at or call 1300 HSU NSW.