Lumus Imaging Enterprise Agreement Negotiations

Thank you for your ongoing participation in your union and a warm welcome to the new members who have recently joined the HSU.

The HSU has met with Lumus Management to kickstart the bargaining process for your next Enterprise Agreement. Lumus proposes a single EBA to cover NSW and ACT workers.

The next meeting is scheduled to take place in the first week of March.

That gives us time to officially nominate your union representatives for our Bargaining Team.

Complete our survey

To give your union a better idea about your top priorities during these negotiations, please complete our quick survey below. This should only take a few minutes and your responses are fully confidential. 

Survey here:

Join us! Nominate to be a Bargaining Representative

Taking the next step and nominating to be a union representative is important to best represent the diverse workforce at Lumus and at the bargaining table. The HSU Bargaining Team, made up of your colleagues, will be steering our direction throughout this important process.

Lumus have committed to 'Good Faith' bargaining protocols, which include facilitating your participation in your union as much as possible during bargaining and ensuring no loss of pay in undertaking bargaining activities.

If you are interested in nominating to be a Union Representative and joining our Bargaining Team, please email [E-Mail not displayed].

We are stronger when we work together!

Know of a colleague who isn't yet a union member but want to be properly represented and see decent improvements to their conditions? Encourage them to join the HSU at or by calling the union on 1300 478 679.