Lifeblood EA goes out to an early vote - tell them NO!

Dear Member,

After misleading your bargaining committee on the timeline, Lifeblood have put your enterprise agreement out to an early vote without notifying or providing your employee bargaining representatives with a draft.

This is yet another action from Lifeblood showing their disrespect for the colleagues speaking on your behalf, and disregarding your feedback that this offer is NOT GOOD ENOUGH!

Lifeblood have made it clear – management is not interested in your views. Rather than improving the offer after you voted NO, Lifeblood have blatantly ignored your feedback, dragged out the process to tire you out, hoping that this will change the outcome of a vote.

This is appalling behaviour and shows Lifeblood’s true colours and intended direction for the future.

The only way to reclaim your power as workers is to join the Union, vote NO, and FIGHT BACK!