Laverty: HSU members endorse Voting No again

In December, HSU members Voted No to Laverty's subpar EBA offer. Laverty then put a $100-$500 sign-on bonus on the table.

In February, HSU members organised an open letter action, sending mass emails addressed to Healius management. Laverty then improved their wages offer by 1.5%:

  • 3.25% when the new agreement takes effect.
  • 3.25% from July 2023.
  • 3.25% from July 2024.

These improvements were won by HSU members who demanded better.

While HSU members have secured these improvements, in our recent survey more than 90% of HSU members said the offer still isn’t good enough. Members said that they intend to Vote No, continue negotiating, and commit to fight for a better offer again.

What next? Laverty has decided to put this latest offer out to a vote.

The next voting period is set to begin the week of Monday 6th of March. Keep an eye out for instructions on how to vote. Contact your Delegate or Organiser if you have any questions in the meantime.

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