Join the Health Professionals Award Reform Working Group

  • Published April 28, 2022

Your union is seeking expression of interest from health professionals who want to take a leadership role in reforming outdated health Awards.

Why join the Award reform working group?

Union working groups will be set up with members who have a shared commitment to improving health Awards.

The working groups will come together to: 

  • Identify emerging issues within the industry;
  • Consult with the wider membership about major issues;
  • Determine the key changes that need to be made to relevant Awards and develop evidence to support the proposed changes;
  • Create Union policies for the wider membership to vote on;
  • Improve the working lives of health professionals by advocating for important changes to relevant policies.

Members of the working groups will be supported by HSU officials. Members will be provided with industrial advice and be supported in their rights, role, and responsibilities of being an HSU representative.

Being a member of a working group is a rewarding experience, giving you the chance to:

  • Contribute to the development of new, modernised awards for your profession;
  • Improve the working lives of fellow union members;
  • Increase Union membership and strengthen collective voice;
  • Increase your knowledge of industrial relations and workplace dispute resolution processes.

Involvement in the Award reform process will involve a degree of time and commitment. This group will be conducting the foundational work on reviewing your current award and developing the proposed changes which the broader membership will vote upon.

If you would like to be a part of the working group, please complete the survey below:

Please complete the survey by COB 19 May 2022.