John Hunter Hospital: Cafeteria closure and wages offer – important union meeting!

Dear Member,

COME TO AN IMPORTANT UNION MEETING – THRUSDAY, 25 JULY AT 12:30PM: JHH Large Lecture Theatre in L Block, near the old library.

Last week, the HSU received correspondence HealthShare intends to close the café service at four hospitals, including John Hunter. You can read the notice here.

Members have raised concerns around what this proposal means for them, including a potential loss of space to take breaks but also where they’ll be able to access affordable meals and dining facilities, as local retail options are limited and not affordable to some of our members.

The impact of a potential closure is far reaching for both members and the wider community.

It’s important members have their say – the sub-branch has called an extraordinary branch meeting.

  • Thursday 25thJuly at 12:30PM.

  • JHH Large Lecture Theatre in L Block, near the old library.

 This is not just a food services concern, but a union-wide issue – everyone should come to the meeting to discuss the potential impacts and a way forward.

You can view and print a flyer HERE to help us spread the word. Your right to post union flyers/material and discuss these matters etc. is protected under the NSW Industrial Relations Act and your Award-which is effectively law in your workplace.

The government’s wage offer will also be on the agenda for discussion.

An online vote for members regarding the government wage offer has already gone out – but this meeting is a great opportunity to ask questions and have your views heard.