It's a NO at Fresh Hope! HSU meeting Wednesday @ 5:30pm

A clear majority of members at Fresh Hope have voted ‘no’ to management’s enterprise agreement offer.

62% of respondents said ‘no’ to the EA and showed Fresh Hope management that HSU members deserve to be listened to.

Unions members continue to call on Fresh Hope to improve uniforms, provide a medication allowance, commit to deliver training at work and – of course – support fair pay that recognises the hard work of everyone at Fresh Hope.

This is a big victory and shows management that we are serious about fighting for a better deal.

Next steps – HSU meeting Wednesday 9 March @ 5:30pm

All HSU members are encouraged to join a special union meeting next Wednesday at 5:30pm to discuss the campaign and agree on the next steps.

Members can join online via Zoom here:

Members can also dial in to the meeting on (02) 8015 6011 using Meeting ID: 867 1916 7878.

If your colleagues are not yet HSU members, encourage them to join online now at so that they can participate in the meeting.

If you have any questions, please contact your local HSU Delegate or the HSU office. We hope to see you on Wednesday.