Information and commencement of PTO Safety Bans on Vehicle First Aid Kit

HSU Patient Transport Officers commenced previously voted-up safety actions today, Monday 29 July 2024, fighting for fit-for-purpose first aid kits. HSU PTOs will decline to use any vehicle in their duties that does not contain a mobile workplace first aid kit. This kit must be supplied by a suitable recognised vendor, such as St John Ambulance.

The basic first aid kits provided do not consider the work environment of HSU PTOs – any place in the NSW community – nor the nature of their work, which includes the hazards of driving and manual handling in remote locations. The first aid kit issue is separate from award log of claims.

The provision of first aid is a basic requirement for any workplace. SafeWork NSW’s code of practice makes it clear what first aid kit requirements are in the workplace:

HSU PTOs currently only have access to inadequate and poorly stocked "basic" first aid kits in their vehicles.

Members voted for these actions on 17 June 2024, giving HealthShare a month to remedy the situation. HealthShare has not acted on this.

Through these actions, HSU PTOs show that they will not stop until they have a safe workplace that properly addresses the needs of workers and the community they work with.

These are the safety actions currently in place as of Monday, 29 July 2024:

  • No single PTO attending home addresses.
  • No single PTO after 18:00 or before 06:00. PTOs are reminded not to operate a stretcher solo.
  • No multiloading patients where there is any risk of leaving a patient alone in the vehicle.
  • Taking a 20-minute fatigue break after working for a maximum of two hours, starting from the first-day shift on Monday, 8 July 2024, until a reasonable, safe, and fair provision for fatigue management is included in our award.
  • Declining to use any vehicle in their duties that does not contain a mobile workplace first aid kit. This kit must be supplied by a recognised vendor, such as St John Ambulance.

If you have received threats of being stood down after your participation in the safety bans, report this incident immediately to your local delegate. An emergency stop-work meeting will follow as a result of management’s retaliation and further actions will be considered.