Inala Underpayments Update

After weeks of waiting, your HSU representatives have finally heard back from Inala management regarding suspected underpayments.

Inala has requested a 2-week extension until our next Fair Work Commission hearing and has provided this timeline regarding the notification about the suspected underpayments:

  1. Impacted employees will be issued with written notifications in the week commencing 1 July 2024 specifying the calculated underpayment of wages (including interest and superannuation). This will include a Question-and-Answer document to assist employees in understanding the underpayment owed to them and how rectification will be made.
  2. Employees will be offered the opportunity to meet with Inala management and will be informed that their union representative may attend the meeting for any questions stemming from the correspondence provided.
  3. Within a period of 2 weeks from 1 July 2024, Inala will self-report to the Fair Work Ombudsmen its underpayment of wages findings and will follow its directions to bring about a full resolution to the matter.

Your Union will be a part of this whole consultation process, so please reach out if you have any questions, concerns or would like to bring a Union rep to any meetings. You can contact your HSU organiser Emmett Gray at 0499 919 355 or at [E-Mail not displayed].

Do you know someone who isn’t a member of the HSU? Send them this email and make sure they are represented. Being a member of the HSU means there’s always someone by your side, fighting for your rights. New members can join online at or call 1300 478 679 and join over the phone.