Ibis Care: Enterprise agreement bargaining update

Dear Member,

Congratulations to all the HSU members who had their say in the HSU bargaining survey and set out your top priorities for aged care workers at Ibis Care!

Your claims have now been presented to Ibis management as part of the campaign to win better wages and conditions in our new enterprise agreement.

Follow this link to view the full Log of Claims.

Your HSU bargaining committee will soon be meeting with Ibis Care management to hear their response to your claims.

Winning better wages and conditions can only be achieved through active members and strong workplaces. If you’d like to find out more about getting involved in the campaign, please contact your delegate or organiser ASAP!

Encourage your workmates to join the HSU. Together you have strength in your workplace. New members can join online at www.hsu.asn.au/join or call 1300 478 679.