HSU win in SNSWLHD – Safety is union business

For far too long, health workers, patients and visitors were put at risk of serious harm because of skeleton staffing in security departments right across Southern NSW Health facilities.

Security rostered on shift were directed off site regularly to perform menial tasks for hours on end to save money, compromising safety back at their hospitals.

But union members stood strong across the district, fighting together to improve on-site security presence. Members stopped all transfers off site while rostered on shift, leading to an immediate improvement in safety and security.

Health workers and the community can now be more confident of their safety in health facilities across Southern NSW. Members should be proud that they stood up, fought back, and achieved a huge win to improve security presence at our sites.

If you know someone who hasn’t yet joined the HSU, show them this newsletter and tell them what we can do when we stand together.

New members can join at www.hsu.asn.au/join or call 1300 478 679.