HSU recommends voting NO to Laverty's substandard offer

Despite our objections, Laverty plans to conduct the vote on their proposed enterprise agreement from 2:00am Thursday 22 December to 2:00pm Friday 23 December.

Laverty’s proposed wage increase is as follows:

  • 3.25% – NOT backdated to 1 July 2022
  • 2.5% from 1 July 2023
  • 2.5% from 1 July 2024.

Do you think this is good enough?

Laverty representatives intend to email a voting link to employees’ work email addresses. Your HSU Bargaining Committee recommends the following steps between now and Thursday:

  1. Spread the word. Read & share the flyer at this link.
  2. VOTE NO! When Laverty sends you a ‘True Vote’ voting link by 2:00am on Thursday 22 December, make sure you Vote No before 2:00pm Friday! Laverty has provided assurances that all voting is anonymous, protected, and computed by a third party.
  3. Stay vigilant. If Laverty fails to make voting available to all employees covered by this proposal, we may need to collect evidence. If you are concerned about the vote, please email [E-Mail not displayed].

Standing together, we can demand a better deal from Laverty.

The greater our numbers, the more powerful our voice! If you have colleagues who aren’t members yet, tell them to join at www.hsu.asn.au/join or call 1300 478 679.