HSU Peer Workers Industrial Committee Update

  • Published December 23, 2022

Your HSU Peer Workers Industrial Committee recently held a mass-members meeting online to discuss the Ministry of Health’s Peer Workers Lived Experience Framework. The message from the membership was loud and clear – we need genuine consultation on the document, and it must do better to support the workforce.

A key action from the meeting was the establishment of a Union survey for us all to complete. This is in the works, unfortunately, due to the Christmas period and the short notice the Ministry have provided, this survey is not ready to be rolled out and will instead be shared amongst us in January.

This survey will be crucial to ensuring we speak with a strong and collective voice in negotiations, we’re asking each and everyone of us to share this within our networks and encourage colleagues to complete the survey.

We will have further updates on the survey which you will receive in the first week of January.

In the meantime, our committee has provided a range of documents which will assist your understanding of the Framework:

Framework document link

HEO Award link

Frameworks referenced by Ministry:

WHS Code of practice on Psychosocial risk link


We wish you all a great holiday season with family and friends.


Do you know someone who isn’t an HSU member? Encourage them to join our Union today and have a say at work. We are always stronger when we stand together.

New members can join at www.hsu.asn.au/join or call 1300 478 679.