HSU members secure historic inquiry into NSW Health

For far too long, our NSW Health system has relied on the goodwill of overstretched health workers to carry the burden. Underfunded and understaffed departments are kept running by hardworking HSU members.

$33 billion goes into health – a third of the NSW budget – but it’s just not getting to where it needs to go. So where is it going?

It’s been decades since there was a meaningful review of funding arrangements in health. Our universal healthcare system, once the envy of other countries, is now at risk.

HSU members have been pushing hard for a Special Commission of Inquiry into health funding so we can uncover exactly where the money is being spent, where the waste and rorts are happening, and how we can get this state’s health system back on track.

Today, the NSW Government has given the HSU-initiated inquiry the green light. NSW Minister for Health Ryan Park has announced the terms of reference for a Special Commission of Inquiry, which you can view here.

This is a great win for HSU members and a strong first step towards a more equitable health system that will value the contribution made by all health workers.