Heritage Care members STAND UNITED

Yesterday, in a show of solidarity, workers from across every Heritage Care site in NSW signed petitions rejecting Heritage Care’s insulting 1% pay offer.

The message was loud and clear – the offer isn’t good enough and Heritage Care workers deserve better. After the dedication and determination of Heritage Care workers over the last two years the organisation must do better offering than 24c an hour.

Members who didn’t get the chance to sign on yesterday can do so by contacting the following people who are collecting the remaining signatures at each site:

Botany: Almera Carpenter
Fairfield: Theresa Morgan
Illawong: Paula Maia
Kingswood: Tanya Pannett
Pennant Hills: Jill Li
Queanbeyan: Doreen Shah 

Please make sure you sign the petition so that your Health Services Union Bargaining Team can present these to Heritage Care management at the bargaining meeting next Thursday.

If you know someone who isn’t an HSU member, let them know what you and your fellow HSU members are standing up for. We are always stronger together!

New members who want to join the fight for better wages at Heritage Care can join at www.hsu.asn.au or call 1300 478 679.