GenesisCare Bargaining Next Steps

Thanks to the success of our Majority Support Determination, GenesisCare must now bargain with the HSU for an Enterprise Agreement. Your representatives are in the process of arranging meetings and getting the bargaining process started. So what are the next steps?

Consultation on Draft Log of Claims

You can find a draft Log of Claims at this link for your feedback. A Log of Claims is a document that outlines what the union is asking for during bargaining. It is not exhaustive, and the specifics of your agreement will be worked out at the bargaining table. The draft was developed by collating your responses to the survey sent to union members.

Please provide your feedback on the Log of Claims to your organiser Roy by close of business Friday 18 June.

Union Zoom Meeting

The HSU will be holding a zoom meeting for union members on Monday 21 June at 6pm. This will be a great opportunity to ask any questions you may have about the bargaining process. The details are below:

Meeting ID: 958 9018 0426

Passcode: HSUGenesis

Bargaining Committee

Do you think you would make a good workplace leader? Do you want to be a part of the HSU’s bargaining committee? The HSU encourages workers to be a part of the bargaining process.

A great bargaining representative attends bargaining meetings, reports back to members and seeks their feedback. If this sounds like you, get in touch with your organiser via email [E-Mail not displayed].

Standing together

The greater the number of union members in the workplace, the stronger our bargaining position and the better the outcome. Encourage your colleagues to join today at or call 1300 478 679.