FWLHD: Broken Hill Car Park Update

The HSU has received correspondence from Far West Local Health District about changes to parking at the Broken Hill Health Service.

The District has advised that as a result of the Emergency Department and MHIPU Redevelopment project, parking in the Broken Hill Health Service grounds has been reduced. The construction exclusion area has now been expanded and FWLHD says it will include a number of additional parking spaces not originally expected to be affected.

FWLHD says that until further advised, all parking around the premises of the hospital along Thomas and Chloride Street will be exclusively available for patients, families, and visitors.

Because of this staff are being asked to use parking available a block or two away, or further from the hospital grounds. This includes staff members visiting from the CHC and other FWLHD sites.

You can view the correspondence at the below link:

What do you think?

It is important for union members to lead this discussion. How will this affect you?

Please send your feedback on this proposal to [E-Mail not displayed] by COB Tuesday 6 August using the subject line Broken Hill Health Service Parking.

Your union at work

Everyone affected by these changes needs to be a union member. Members deserve to have control over their working lives. Tell your colleagues now is the time to join.

New members can join at www.hsu.asn.au/join or call 1300 478 679.