FWC approves your new agreement - Look out for your pay increase!
Published October 22, 2021
Recently the Fair Work Commission (FWC) approved your new enterprise agreement at S. Antonio Da Padova Nursing Home, which came into operation this week on 18 October 2021.
This new agreement has only been won because HSU members called for better pay and improved conditions at work. While this is a positive step, it’s still not enough. Health Services Union members continue to unite across the sector for a real pay increase for all aged care workers. Together we are stepping up our claim for a 25% increase to the Aged Care Award. If you’re colleagues are not yet HSU members, encourage them to join our campaign for a real pay increase at www.hsu.asn.au/join or by calling 1300 478 679.
The FWC approved your agreement, only after S. Antonio Da Padova had to make several important commitments to ensure the agreement met all legal requirements.
Those commitments (known as undertakings) include:
- New provision that before commencing part-time employment, S. Antonio Da Padova must agree in writing with Aged Care Employees on the shifts that will be worked, including the days of the week and the starting and finishing times each day.
- Guarantee that annual leave loading will be paid on all annual leave taken and not limited to four weeks per year.
- Improved ‘Afternoon Shift Penalty’, now payable for shifts commencing from 10am, rather than 10:30am.
- Improved minimum engagements for casual health professionals.
- Clear commitment that where a Home Care Employee is required to have a meal with a client as a part of their work routine, the meal period is to be counted as time worked.
You can find a copy of the new agreement at this link. Your agreement outlines your rights and conditions at work, so please have a read of it and keep a copy for yourself. If you have any questions, contact your local union Organiser or the Member Services Division for assistance.
Your pay increase
Your agreement includes a pay increase from the operative date of the agreement, which is 18 October 2021. Look out for your pay increase and make sure you receive it in the next pay cycle from 18 October. If you do not receive your pay increase or have any concerns, please contact the union so that we can follow up for you.