Frederic House: Know your entitlements on mandatory training

Dear Member,

HSU members at Frederic House have raised concerns they are being required to undertake mandatory training, out of hours and unpaid.

Workers must be paid for any training required by their employer – including in-house training and online modules.

It’s important you know your rights and aren’t undergoing mandatory training while off the clock.

If workers are required to leave the floor and undertake training, they should be backfilled while training.

After members contacted Frederic House, management confirmed “there will be staff to cover time on the floor” for workers undertaking mandatory training.

If a worker has any issue completing mandatory online training during their ordinary hours of work, they should email their manager for assistance, so they can organise a time to complete the training within work hours.

“Optional” training is completely at your discretion.

If you are taken off the floor to do online training and your shift is not backfilled properly, or backfilling is done at the expense of safe staffing levels, speak to your workplace delegate or your HSU organiser Hyojung on 0458 012 322 / [E-Mail not displayed].

Encourage your workmates to join the HSU. Together you have strength in your workplace. New members can join online at or call 1300 478 679.