Concord Hospital Workers Speak Out About Parking Fees

On Tuesday 9th January 2023, over 100 HSU members attended an emergency meeting at Concord Hospital to discuss a memo sent to all staff on 3rd January, informing them of the reintroduction of parking fees and the new fees they are expected to pay from February 2024. Major concerns were raised around the extreme increases to the parking fees and the timing of the announcement being over the festive season.


Key point discussed were:


  • Staff with a parking permit will be required to pay $27.20 per week. Fees were $24.00 per fortnight prior to the covid pandemic. This is an increase of 127% or $790.40 per year.
  • Staff on the waiting list for a permit have not had to pay for parking during the covid pandemic. They are now expected to pay $11.00 per day.
  • There has been limited to no movement for those on the waiting list. Many attendees confirmed they had been waiting years for a parking permit.


The meeting discussed suggestions to mitigate the financial impact the announcement brings to HSU members at Concord, as well as passing a resolution to commence discussions with CRGH in the efforts to reach a reasonable outcome. The resolution also listed a range of collective action escalations if the CRGH Executive do not reasonably address HSU members concerns over car parking fees.


This issue impacts all CRGH staff and can only be resolved fairly if we work together as HSU members. If you know someone who is not a member of the HSU, encourage them to join today.


New members can join at or call 1300 478 679.