Chris O'Brien Lifehouse: What do you want to see in your new Enterprise Agreement?

Your Enterprise Agreement has recently expired and is due to be renegotiated.

To negotiate the best possible deal for staff, we need to ensure that everyone gets involved and shares their views. HSU members will be represented in the negotiations.

Your Union has designed a survey to find out what’s most important to you at work and what you would like to see in your new Enterprise Agreement. The survey only takes a few minutes, and you can complete it at the link below:

Your HSU Organisers will soon be on site to talk to members and answer any questions you have. We’ll also be seeking expressions of interest from members who are interested in being part of your HSU Bargaining Team. If you would like to represent your fellow members and push for better conditions at work, please get in contact via [E-Mail not displayed].

We can get better results in bargaining when everyone is active and involved. If you know someone who hasn’t yet joined the HSU, tell them to get on board today and complete the survey. New members can join at or call 1300 478 679.