Carrington: Important update on EA bargaining

Dear Member,

HSU members have been actively working to improve our conditions at Carrington, and we’re making strides in our efforts. Here are two important updates for HSU members at Carrington:

Bargaining Update

The HSU log of claims, developed and supported by HSU members, has been presented to management. Unfortunately, the initial response from management was underwhelming, with only one claim being fully accepted.

Bargaining representatives subsequently met with management to discuss its responses and conveyed members’ disappointment with managements’ stance. Management has agreed to reconsider some of our key claims.

A follow-up bargaining meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, 11 September. where management will present a revised position.

Covid-19 Close Contact Policy

Following pushback from HSU members against Carrington’s unfair Covid-19 stand down policy, workers have had their leave balances restored. However, management is limiting the reimbursement to leave taken from January 1, 2024, onwards, despite this being an arbitrary cutoff they’ve imposed.

It’s important to note this limit is not a genuine Covid policy requirement but a decision by Carrington, and they are unwilling to negotiate further on this issue.

We need to gather information and build a strong case to challenge this unjust use of leave. If you want to ensure that Carrington does not unfairly withhold workers' leave, please help us by participating in this short survey.

Follow this link to the survey

Encourage your workmates to join the HSU. Together you have strength in your workplace. New members can join online at or call 1300 478 679.