BREAKING - Government agrees to support and fund HSU Work Value Case

  • Published August 8, 2022

HSU members secured a massive win today, with the federal government agreeing to support and fund the outcome of the HSU’s historic Aged Care Work Value Case.

This is unprecedented support for our case – which calls for a 25% increase to pay rates in both the Aged Care and SCHADS Awards – and only came about because of the tireless lobbying and campaigning of HSU members.

After years of calling for higher wages in our workplaces, in our communities and in the election campaign, today the Albanese Labor government has gone on the record to support our call for higher pay for aged care workers.  

In its submission to the Fair Work Commission, the Government said that it supports the HSU’s position that “current award rates significantly undervalue the work performed by aged care workers”.

In further support for our case, the Government said “The Commonwealth supports a minimum wage increase for aged care workers. The Commonwealth submits that the work value of aged care workers is significantly higher than the modern awards currently reflect.”

The Government also gave support to HSU members’ calls for improved career paths in the Aged Care Award, saying “The Commonwealth supports these proposed variations and notes that as the clinical care needs of aged care recipients increases in complexity, more specialised personal care roles will be required in the sector.”

Perhaps most importantly though, the government today committed to fund the outcome of our case, saying, “The Commonwealth will provide funding to support any increases to award wages made by the Commission in this matter and that will help deliver a higher standard of care for older Australians.”

The full submission from the government is available here.

This is an incredible shift from the government, in support of aged care workers. However, this historic change only came because HSU members have been campaigning for years and years, and we refuse to give up. Last week, HSU members from around the country were in Canberra, keeping up the pressure on the government to deliver.

But the fight is not finished. We are now preparing our closing submissions in the case. The Fair Work Commission will then take time to consider all the evidence before announcing its decision.

If your colleagues are not yet HSU members, now is the time for them to join us to be part of the change in aged care. New members can join online at or by calling 1300 478 679.

We’ll keep you up to date as things progress.