Bethlehem House Standard Operating Model and your rights

Consultation about Catholic Healthcare’s implementation of Standard Operating Model (SOM) at Bethlehem House has been underway for some time now, with meetings about the impact of changes on individual staff commencing.

It is very important that you have clear understanding of what is being proposed and how you are impacted. You should not feel pressured to agree or sign anything until you are confident in your decision or you have received representation.

You have the right to:

  1. Be consulted about the change – consultation includes time to consider the change, to raise concerns, and to have those concerns properly addressed.
  2. Say no – contracted hours cannot be cut without your approval. Cuts to jobs can occur, but only with a redundancy or redeployment to a comparable position.
  3. Representation – ensure you are represented by the HSU when discussing major workplace change.
  4. To request any changes to your job be provided in writing and time to consider your response. Don’t feel rushed. Major changes to your job can have lasting impacts for you and your family.
  5. Join the HSU! Only HSU members get representation and advice to stand up for their rights and protect their job. Join now at or phone 1300 478 679.

This is also an opportunity to review the hours you have been regularly working. A casual regularly working more than 6 months without covering leave may be entitled to permanent part time. Permanent part time staff regularly working over their contracted hours for more than 12 months without covering leave are entitled to have these hours added to their contract.

Contact your HSU Organiser Hyojung Kim on 0458 012 322 or [E-Mail not displayed] for representation at your individual consultation meetings or if you have any questions or concerns.