Allied Health Mass Job Losses – NSLHD Cutting Deep into the Bone

HSU Delegates in North Sydney LHD have become aware of NSLHD’s plans to make catastrophic cuts to Allied Health staffing across the District. Delegates believe that cuts may also impact Admin staff working in Allied Health departments. These cuts are happening without any consultation with the HSU.  

HSU Delegates are aware of the following proposals: 

  • The immediate deletion of all Allied Health staff on temporary contract regardless of time remaining on contract across NSLHD. 
  • The reduction of 6% overall FTE at Hornsby Hospital for each Allied Health Department
  • The loss of 15 FTE at Mona Vale Hospital
  • The loss of 50 FTE at RNSH.  

This is breaking point. Health workers can no longer bear the brunt of budget cuts. It is no longer safe for staff to work in dangerous, understaffed positions with impossible workloads.  

HSU Delegates are writing to NSLHD today to request an immediate halt to these absurd and dangerous cuts to staffing. 

HSU Delegates are calling an all-Allied Health and Admin stop work meeting across the LHD on Thursday 12pm to discuss our collective response to the cuts.  

Please register and confirm your attendance at the stop work meeting here.

You can also download a flyer to distribute to your colleagues here.

We can only hope to prevent these cuts if Allied Health and Admin members work together to send a clear message – enough is enough!