Action to improve P1T/5T and Vocational Training in NSWA

  • Published March 17, 2023
  • Industries

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Paramedics in training are the future of the paramedic profession. The current ineffective on-road mentoring system in NSWA puts stress on all paramedics involved, detracts from proper clinical supervision, and puts patients at risk. This is due to the government trying to save a dollar by skimping on training. 

ADHSU paramedics believe our future paramedics are vital to the community and deserve the best foundation possible. At the recent stop work meeting members voted to initiate industrial action that ensures all paramedics in training phases will be part of a 3-person team. An additional P1 or above paramedic will work as the “third up” on the car containing a trainee to help support them during that shift.  In areas where this is not possible, crews will respond, but no transport will take place until at least two P1 or above paramedics are on the car with the paramedic in training or the patient’s condition deems otherwise. 5T trainees will require at least 1 ICP and a P1 and above. 

A 3-person team was a common practice for Intensive Care paramedics in training until government financial restrictions prompted the NSWA to adjust the training team profile.  

Trainee members are the primary focus of this action. Paramedics in training will not be utilised as a ‘fetch and carry’ assistant, they will be part of a positive learning environment. ADHSU members want to enhance training and allow direct one on one mentoring. The paramedic in training will be able to learn and practice clinical skill and reasoning while the second P1+ officer will offer the usual team clinical function as well as driving and case logistics.  

ADHSU members recognise the value of all paramedic training and want to make the learning experience as effective as possible. To ensure that this action does not negatively impact the learning and mentoring experiences of our members ADHSU delegates are seeking member input. Please respond to this survey.  

The days of you call, we haul – that’s all over.