ACL: The Grinch strikes again!

A big breakthrough for ACL workers who were being forced to take leave.

On Friday ACL agreed to the following:

“Following the dispute in the Fair Work Commission, it has been agreed between the HSU and ACL that the following will apply to employees who applied for leave after 14 November 2023. Employees who were directed to take leave or partial leave, during the shutdown, and applied for leave but now wish to continue working, please let your supervisor know, and arrangements will be made to ensure your contracted hours will be met. However, if you would like to take leave without pay during this period, please make an application”.

You can see the letter here.

However, in true ACL form – very Grinch like – they have only circulated the letter to workers they deemed as affected.

SHARE THE ACL LETTER. ACL has no right to stand down workers. ACL doesn’t want you and your colleagues to know about your rights – but your Union does.

If you haven’t received the letter but feel you are in fact affected, please contact your Organiser Brendan Roberts via [E-Mail not displayed] or 0425 181 361.

To be aware of your rights, it’s important everyone is a union member. If you know someone who isn’t yet a member, encourage them to join at or call 1300 478 679.