A testament to member action and solidarity

  • Published December 15, 2023
  • Industries

Paramedics have secured a monumental win in the battle for pay parity. This win stands as a testament to the unwavering determination and collective action taken by members.

Amidst uncertainty and intense government pressure, paramedics made a powerful personal choice not to re-register. They stood firm, facing skepticism and attacks, yet never wavering in their commitment. It’s through these incredible efforts that pay parity has been achieved, showcasing the true embodiment of union values – standing together, fighting together, and ultimately winning together.

But the fight doesn’t end here.

Together, we can strengthen our collective voice, ensuring that every member is heard and respected in the ongoing pursuit of professional recognition.

Join your peers who stood in solidarity and delivered this pay outcome. If you’re not already a member, then now is the time to join the ADHSU. 

Join ADHSU: https://members.hsu.asn.au/join